Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hello, Lynette here - welcome to our White Family Blog! To Dad, Mom, Tim and Kristin, - you have received an email inviting you to become an author if you choose to be. That means anyone in our family can post thoughts, pictures and anything else here.

This blog was created to share our story.


  1. I'm in!!! Got here without getting a headache...and I agree jc, nice lookin blog!!!

  2. Those White's look awfully clean...looking forward to ninth steppin' allof you. Shouldn't be long now. Love to all.

  3. Kristin told me tonight that Mom is staying at NIMC a little while longer...I think I'm OK with that. She is in good hands! Mom is exactly where God intended her to be at this point in her life. It is through life's struggles that we grow closer to God and only He knows where the journey will take us...
